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It was the honor of my life to volunteer five years for the ONE campaign. From Munich to Brussels and Berlin to my home State in North-East Germany. Meeting countless lawmakers, fellow volunteers and many young people from all over the world. 

This commitment sticks to me until today in the very present. Make our Earth a better place by reducing the gap between global North and South. 


In Germany our former Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt worked as chair on the global South commission. It was the first formular to adress the striking distance between North and South. Furthermore the UN adopted the 0,7 GDP target to counter hunger, child labor and strinking comprehensive hunger in Africa and around the global South. 

Today the Netherlands, Scandinavia and finally the United Kingdom are paying 0,7 percent of its GDO for Official Development Assistance. I salute all of these nations for beeing a champion for development soutside this very Earth!

Below I show you a kinda reprentative impression of my work as ONE Youth Ambassandor: 

ONE in Brussel

ONE in Brussel

meeting with national lawmaker Mechthild Rawert, who Represents the Consituency of Tempelhof-Schöneberg in the German Bundestag on the #PovertyIsSecist Campaign

With Melinda Gates

With Melinda Gates

With Manuela Schwesig - secretary for Family. Women, Seniors and Youth in the Federal Government of Germany - the Meeting was as she worked on the executive government of my home state in the same function plus labor and health

Invited by Head of State

Invited by Head of State

With SecState Steinmeier and the High Representative for Foreign Poiicy of the European Commission Mogherini

Representing ONE Germany at the Young Conservative Party Conference 2015 in Hamburg, Germany

It has been a distinct honor and privilege to meet one of the very leaders on the fight against extreme poverty - Bill Gates himself

meeting with freshman national lawmaker Christina Schwarzer from the Consituency of Neuköln iin Berlin on the #PovertyIsSexist Campaign



Standing beside Lisa Paus - a Member of the German Bundestag for the consituency Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf of Berlin, who is member of the financial committee in the national legistlative assembly of Germany and belong's to the Green Party

With Mechthild Rawert and Ute Finckh-Krämer - two Members of the German Bundestag, who represent West Berlin in the German Bundestag and are vital advocates for the fight of Extreme Poverty and the interest of Germany's capital



honored to stand beside Beate Wedekind - an institution in Berlin and an advocate on Africa's behave, who won't rest to contribute on Africa's rising

with our distinquish chairwoman from the committee on foreign aid from the conservative caucuses

at the Karneval der Kulturen, Berlin's greatest intercultural event, which is located in Berlin's most coolest are Kreuzberg, where a holy cross watches over the City on top of the Kreuzberg hill

With the Speaker of the Legistlative Assembly of the European Union, Martin Schulz

Action in Dresden, Germany

Action in Dresden, Germany

The G7 Summit in Germany should not only produce hot air on Africa's future but also adadopt concrete measures to lift the life of the People in Extreme Poverty.



conversation with the governor of my native state on fostering cooperation with states and or region's in Africa.

WIth the Special ONE Ambassador Maria Furtwägler for the German Poverty is Sexist Campaign

Meeting with Dr. Harald Terpe Member of the Gemran Bundestag from the Green Party in my native town Rostock. He is the highest ranking member of the Green Caucuses in the committee for health and human Services.

With Bono

With Bono

With Christine Lagarde in Dresden, Germany

Meeting with the chief of staff of an important lawmaker in the EU legistlative Assembly from North of Germany

meeting with Joachim Poß member of the committee on the European Union in the German Bundestag and in public servince in this very Body since 1980.

With the Chair of the Green Party of Europe and Member of the European Legistlative Assembly as well - Reinhard Bütikhofer

in the Headquarter of the Christian democratic Party of Germany in Berlin Tiergarten

In the Governor's Mansion

In the Governor's Mansion

the above illustrated conversation with the governor of my native state on regional cooperation with states and or regions in Africa, got a Follow Up - that you see in the Picture - with chief of staff of the governors' mansion on foreign and EU Policy, where I had the opportunity to present some ideas on how to foster cooperation, on starting an official bilateral partnership and on Exchange with Young African Leaders in academia

with Dorothee Bär undersecretary for Transport and Digital Infrastructure

meeting with Dr. jens Zimmermann on shell companies: Part of the Freshman class as national lawmaker since 2013 and serving in the finance committee in the German Bundestag.

Meeting with the ONE Youth Ambassadors of Berlin with Ute Finkh Kraemer Lawmaker in the German Bundestag for Berlin and member on the foreign affairs committee on Afghanistan

We want to express our sincere hope and gratitude that the G7 Communique we include more than hot air with respect to the future of the continent Africa!


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